A Charlie Brown Christmas is not only a lovely Christmas special full of cute little kiddies, a doggie and plenty of wise humour, but also a source of language exam preparation stuff. One of Charlie's biggest problems in the movie is the fact that even his little sister is only interested in presents, not so much the deeper meaning of Christmas. It comes up when she asks Charlie to write her letter to Santa Claus. Well, this is a transactional letter. A great excuse for two short exam-prep exercises.
Task 1: Help your little sister write a letter to Santa. The letter has actually been written, unfortunately some words are missing. Place them to the right gaps.
__________(1) Santa Claus,
How have you __________(2)? Did you have a __________(3) summer? How is your wife?
I have been extra__________(4) this year, so I have a long list of __________(5) that I want.
Please note the size and __________(6) of each thing and send as many as possible.
If it is too complicated, make it easy on yourself: just send __________(7).
__________(8) ,
Sally Brown
Task 2: Help Sally write a more formal letter to Santa. Simply rewrite her letter to be a bit more formal, more appropriate addressed to an elderly gentleman like Santa. The tips and phrases in the '7 Tips on How to Improve Your Email Writing Skill' blog post might help you a lot.
KEY: Task 1 Key 1 Dear 2 been 3 good/nice 4 good/nice 5 presents 6 color 7 money 8 yours
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