Mozgásenergiával hajtott vagy feltöltött...
Nem csalás, nem ámítás, működnek a fizika törvényei. Te csak sétálsz, tekersz, sífutsz a gym-ben, mások meg olyan eszközöket hoznak létre, melyek a puszta mozgásodat környezetbarát energiává alakítják.
A kőbe vagy betonba ágyazott energiatermelő "okoserőmű" után egy párizsi tervező csoport állt elő a The Paris Navigating Gym ötletével, ahol a városnézésre és környezetmegfigyelésre is alkalmas hajó mozgási energiáját a fedélzeti gym-ben gyúrók, szobakerékpározók termelik. Pofonegyszerű, nem?
Ha olvasásértésed fejlesztése közben alternatív energiák felhasználása iránti is érdeklődsz, vágj bele ebbe a Paragraph Headings vizsgafeladatra hajazó kis reading task-ba!
Please, match each paragraph to the correct heading.
A Advanced electronic technology
B Not a reality yet
C Boat powered by human muscle
D A unique experience
Floating Gym in Paris Designed to be Powered by Human Energy
1 Want to work out while cruising down a river? If so, you’ll love the new project, The Paris Navigating Gym. An Italian architecture firm has dreamed up a floating gym, which - when powered by human energy -, floats down the Seine in Paris. The 65-foot boat bobs downstream, taking in the Parisian sites, as energy from workout fans powers the boat.
2 Technogym‘s ARTIS exercise machines generate energy, and users can also check their output. Furthermore, they can see the environmental conditions of the river, measured in real time by sensors built into the vessel. It’s a true interactive experience that builds on the historic Bateaux Mouches boats that have been in use on the Seine since the early 20th century.
3 “The Paris Navigating Gym investigates the potential of making use of human power,” Carlo Ratti, founder of the firm, shares. “It’s fascinating to see how the energy generated by a workout at the gym can actually help to push the boat forward. It offers participating fitness enthusiasts a special feeling of being the 'human engine' or understand what lies behind the often abstract concept: ‘electric power.’ ”
4 For now, the Paris Navigating Gym, which was developed in collaboration with the non-profit architecture group Terreform ONE and the urban regeneration institute URBEM, is just an idea. But we can’t think of a better motivation to hit the gym than taking in the marvels of Paris.
Key: 1-C; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B
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