Academic Methodology Courses

Nyelv és tanításmódszertan egyetemi szinten - Továbbképzésink első sorban az angol nyelvű, nemzetközi egyetemi programok oktatóinak szólnak, hogy önbizalommal és eredményesen adhassák át tudásukat. Áttekintjük, mitől lesz hatékony az egyetemi előadás, hogyan segíthetjük hallgatóinkat nem csupán a gondolatmentek követésében, hanem azok értő és elemző elsajátításában is. A résztvevők egész sor tantermi és online módszert próbálhatnak ki, melyek lehetővé teszik, hogy a hallgatók intenzívebben vehessenek részt az órákon, így ne csupán hallgassák, hanem valóban megértsék és magukévá tehessék a tananyagot. Képzéseinket nemzetközi egyetemi oktatási tapasztalattal rendelkező trénereink vezetik, angol nyelven.

Advanced Academic Teaching Skills

If you teach your subject at tertiary level to international students in English, this workshop will help build your confidence, and help you engage your students. It is 40 hours, and is usually run over 5 days (full-time), or 10 days (part-time). It focuses on the various contexts Higher Educational academic staff work in with their students.

The workshop looks at ways to deliver a lecture effectively, to guide the listener with signposting, as well as to engage learners actively in order to promote efficient learning.

Participants will have the opportunity to try out a range of classroom activities and online tools for increasing participation, promoting deeper learning, and enabling their students to internalise and relate to new knowledge. Participants will also be required to run a mini teaching session for their peers on a topic from their field of expertise.

Extra add-on: participants can opt to submit individually, and within two weeks of the course finishing, a short video (max 20’ extract) of their teaching, for feedback from the tutor. 

  • deliver a lecture with confidence
  • ‘sound good’ when presenting
  • orientate your listeners with signposting
  • engage your students – smaller and larger groups
  • develop an ‘interactive handout’
  • experiment with a range of interactive tools – on- and offline
  • develop skills for conveying meaning and checking understanding
  • increase your awareness of cultural issues impacting on learning
  • promote effective learning and deeper understanding

to educational institutions

Next starting date
upon request

Course fee
please contact us 

Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group

Engagement and Interaction with Large Groups

A hallgatók aktív bevonásának jól bevált technikáit vizsgálják meg és próbálják ki a résztvevők.

Participants will become familiar with a range of ways to engage their students actively in the learning process – whether working on- or offline – to ensure engagement.

Besides looking at effective questioning, participants will have the chance to try out a number of short activities which can be run with both small and much larger groups. Such activities give students the chance to check their own understanding, exchange ideas, personalise and internalise new information, and ultimately deepen the learning process.  

  • types & purpose of questions
  • effective strategies face-to-face
  • efficient use of online tools and strategies.
  • 2 days / 12 teaching hours

to educational institutions

Next starting date
upon request

Course fee
please contact us 

Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group