Networking Skills
This workshop is intended for those attending a conference or symposium, or those aiming to construct a network for personal and professional development.
It takes places over 16 teachin hours, and looks at how focused preparation can maxmimise the potential for developing one’s contacts, and building an effective network. The workshop focuses on the three planning stages of a networking event – the before, during and afterwards. It also looks at strategies for ensuring efficient connections and effective follow-up, and ways to do this both online and face-to-face.
Extra add-on: participants can opt to submit individually, and within two weeks of the course finishing, their LinkedIn Profile (max 300 words) for review with language feedback from the tutor.
- The stages of networking at a conference
- Making initial contact
- Following up
- Online and offline communication
- Effective emailing
- LinkedIn Profiles
to educational institutions
Next starting date
upon request
Course fee
please contact us
Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group
How to Get Published
Making a move into getting yourself published presents a host of challenges. This workshop takes a whistle-stop tour through the process of getting started on writing an academic paper – from the initial idea, to submitting an article to a journal, and handling revision stages.
It is run over 2 days (16 teaching hours), and is specifically aimed at university staff and PhD students.
During this process, the workshop looks at what makes an effective research topic and question, and how to structure an Abstract. Equally important is understanding journal stylesheets, and how to choose and tailor a submission to a relevant journal.
Extra add-on: participants can opt to submit individually, and within two weeks of the course finishing, a short text – e.g. Abstract, or Conclusion – (max 300 words) for review with language feedback from the tutor.
- Starting out: research questions and research topics
- Planning stages
- Building a support network
- Choosing the right journal
- Journal style sheets & submission guidelines
- Writing an abstract
- Language and phrases for different stages of a paper
- Submission & Revision
to educational institutions
Next starting date
upon request
Course fee
please contact us
Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group