Napi gyakorlófeladatok

A tartalmakat aszerint kapod, hogy itt mit állítasz be

Napi 15 perc gyakorlás és megismerheted, begyakorolhatod az Euroexam nyelvvizsga feladatait. A napi gyakorlófeladatokat úgy állítottuk össze, hogy fokozatosan tudj megismerkedni minden egyes vizsgarész minden feladatával.

Just 15 Minutes a Day to Stay on Track!

The Daily Practice Tasks take you through all the activities in the four parts of the Euroexam monolingual exam—Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. This online course is an invaluable tool for your preparation and can increase your chances of success by up to 15-20%.

What Tasks Are Included?

The daily practice tasks encompass all parts of the exam, offering both practice exercises and exam-style tasks to aid your preparation. You can track your progress and review your answers at any time.

Submit Your Work for Evaluation!

You can submit a writing task to be reviewed by our experienced examiners. Along with your score, you’ll receive detailed written feedback on your performance.  

We regularly update and expand the daily practice tasks, so be sure to check your MyEuroexam account often for new content.

Napi Gyakorlofeladatok idezet

Give It a Try!

These four tasks offer a preview of what to expect from the exercises. If you enjoy them, you’ll discover even more tasks in your MyEuroexam account.





Lépj be a MyEuroexam fiókodba, kattints a Vizsgafeladatok és tesztek menüpontra és kezdd el a felkészülést!

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