Do we learn to speak a second language through analysing how to speak or simply by speaking? The answer is both! Effective speaking lessons and courses provide both input in the language and subskills learners need and plenty of opportunities for motivating practice. For exam tasks, our learners need to know what the tasks are, what is required of them, how they are evaluated, and the best strategies and language they can use to be successful. This is exactly what this course is about. Among other things, we will look at:
- the different competences that underlie effective speaking;
- how to raise awareness of key features of important speaking genres, such as small talk, long turns (e.g. picture stories, presentations) and collaborative discussions;
- how to balance awareness-raising with practice in exam classes;
- ways of making speaking practice meaningful, motivating and task-based;
- giving feedback to learners – what we can feedback on, when and how, including strategies for peer feedback.
Course Tutor: Neil Anderson
Schedule: 5-7pm (4 weeks)
Next starting date
Course fee
65 €
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