The platform for your exam preparation
The MyEuroexam student platform has been designed to meet the personalised exam prepartion requirements of Euroexam test-takers. The platform contains a large selection of free of charge exam preparation materials that can be tailored by each candidate for the Euroxam level they are planning to take. Scroll down for more details of what you can find in MyEuroexam at Level B2.
For candidates at Level B2:
Exam Preparation
With a variety of materials, which are easily accessible through the clearly organised menu system, you can follow a step-by-step approach to prepare effectively for your exam. Most of these materials appear in downloadable format for personalised use with your own devices, for example:
- sample tasks enriched with exam and preparation tips and recommendations (Menu: Training Plan);
- complete practice exams with the answer key for self-checking (Menu: Tests and Tasks);
- coursebooks and testbooks with downloadable audio files (Menu: Preparation Guides and Books).
Writing Guides and Other Practice Materials
- writing guides for specific genres: e.g. for email or essay writing (Menu: Preparation Guides and Books)
- guides and tips for using your printed dictionary (Menu: Preparation Guides and Books)
- Online Practice Exams (Menu: Tests and Tasks)
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