Eurocity B2
The Eurocity B2 coursebook helps you prepare for the Euroexam General English B2 exam with enough learning material for 40-50 hours of classroom practice, and includes free downloadable audio files. Besides developing the language and exam skills necessary to complete the exam tasks successfully, there are also useful tips and strategies to further boost your preparation.
In the Appendix you will find the audio scripts, materials for pair- and groupwork tasks, and lots of useful language samples. Photocopiable materials for the communication tasks make the learning experience complete. The format of the coursebook allows you to prepare for the exam on your own, or use Eurocity B2 with a teacher. You decide which approach you wish to follow.
Practice Test Book B2
The Practice Test Book B2 contains three complete practice exams with answer key and freely downloadable audio files. The task types and the format of the testbook are identical with those of the real exam, and you will also find the examiners' assessment criteria included. Another attractive feature is the set of 6 picture stories for Task 2 of the Speaking test.
The 3-in-1 format allows you to not only practise and prepare by completing a whole exam or a full test (e.g. the 3 Listening tasks) in one sitting, but also by doing all 3 pieces of a particular exam task (e.g. Reading 1–Paragraph Headings) one after the other. In this way you can develop a specific skill in a concentrated way.
Practice Test Book EuroPro B2
You get plenty of practice opportunities with the three complete practice exams (plus answer key) in one volume, as well as the freely downloadable audio files for the EuroPro Business and Professional English Level B2 exam. The 3-in-1 format offers you three different approaches:
Complete a full exam (the Reading, Writing and Listening tests together) in one sitting, keeping all the time limits.
If you have less time, complete at least one test (e.g. the Reading test from one of the three exams).
- Practise and develop a certain skill in a concentrated way by doing all three tasks of the same kind (e.g. Listening 3–Meeting).
You will also find 6 sample task sheets for Task 2 of the Speaking test (Presentation) - one of the more difficult tasks in the exam.