Institutional Language Tests
Euroexam Institutional tests are English language tests based on the Euroexam test construct that meet the Standardised Language Testing demands of schools and universities.
Public high-stakes exams, like the Euroexams, provide successful candidates with certified evidence of their language proficiency and are a widely recognised method of meeting the English language proficiency requirements of educational institutions. But they are not the only way. Higher education institutions, private and public schools often have broader requirements than cannot be fully met by fixed-format public exams.
Euroexam Institutional tests provide the flexibility of modular testing combined with standardised tests backed by decades of research. Euroexam Institutional tests are used for our institutional clients' admissions and graduation tests, as key-stage summative assessment and curricula based formative assessment tools. Euroexam Institutional tests are available in paper-based, computer-based and online formats.
Institutional clients from Latin America include Secretaría de Educación del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco (PRONI Jalisco) and Universidad de Guadalajara. The Euroexam PRONI A1/A2 Junior Test was developed to meet the requirements of PRONI throughout all 32 States in Mexico. The Euroexam Stage 1 Proficiency Test was developed to meet the requirements for PREPAS schools in Jalisco.
Training Support
Euroexam International’s Teacher Training provide a wide range of courses for language teachers, teacher trainers and subject teachers whose native language is not English and who deliver EMI courses. Euroexam International provide training for examiners, interlocutors and invigilators of all Exam Centres delivering the Euroexams.
All Euroexam Institutional assessment programmes are developed through consultation with our partners. Other service options include progress reports, outcome reviews and institutionally branded certification for high-stakes exams.
For a no-commitment consultation contact us here.