The Practice Test Book B2 has been our bestseller in the testbook series. You can find three complete practice exams with answer key and freely downloadable listening materials in it. The format of the testbook is identical to that of the real exam, and you can check the evaluation criteria for the Writing and Speaking tests in it too. Another attractive feature is the inclusion of 6 sample picture stories for Task 2 of the Speaking test.
The “3-in-1” format allows you to:
- Practise and prepare by completing a whole exam or one of its tests (e.g. Reading or Writing) in one sit.
- Complete all 3 pieces of a specific exam task (e.g. Reading–Paragraph-Headings) one by one, which helps you develop that specific skill in a concentrated way.
The audio files for the book are available in various formats. Download them onto your computer, phone, tablet free of charge.
Product features
Exam language
Exam level
Delivery time
3-5 working day
Product category
Euroexam International
Page number
Year of publication
Product weight
400 gram
Exam language
Exam level
Delivery time
3-5 working day
Product category
5 400 Ft
4 860 Ft