Practice Test Book B1

Practice Test Book B1

This testbook contains 3 complete exams with authentic exam tasks, answer key and downloadable audio files to be uploaded to your mobile device. In this testbook format, you can follow two approaches.

  1. Complete all the tasks of a whole exam or at least one complete test (e.g. Reading), keeping the time limits and all other requirements in one go.
  2. Develop a certain skill in a concentrated way by doing the 3 tasks of the same kind (e.g. Listening-Making Notes).

Our candidates especially appreciate that there are 6 sample picture stories included for Task 2 of the Speaking test, which is considered one the most difficult tasks in the whole exam.

The audio files for the book are available in various formats. Download them onto your computer, phone, tablet free of charge.

Product features

Exam language
Exam level
Exam type
Delivery time
3-5 working day
Euroexam International
Page number
Year of publication
Product weight
400 gram
Exam language
Exam level
Exam type
Delivery time
3-5 working day
4 600 Ft
4 140 Ft