Budapest Training Institute

Higher education? Business life, big companies? Political career? Methodically structured and confident communication are the keys to success. In our intensive, practical courses, we provide development programmes tailored to individual needs at all levels; from the basics to the seasoned practitioner. Whether it is presentation or negotiation techniques, or the construction of the publication portfolio or the interactive methodology that renews the university education routine, our courses provide the inspiration needed for your continuing professional development.

Euroexam offers you
Dictionary use
Bring any (monolingual, bilingual, thesaurus, etc.) dictionary to the exam and feel safer!
Speaking Test in pairs
Do you want to take the Speaking Test with your best friend? You can!
Real-life situations
The primary focus of the Euroexam tests is on communication. There is no separate grammar test at the exam.

Evaluation Materials

*MyEuroexam profil needed

Ft 4.900
Ft 4.390

Ft 6.400
Ft 5.760

Ft 5.460
Ft 4.910

Ft 5.400
Ft 4.860


For students

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For teachers

Become a certified Euroexam teacher